The very first Caring App for Protecting, Supporting and Sharing between every Women and Gender Minorities.
Available on stores in France
(crowdfunding ongoing to deploy worldwide) :
Available on stores soon :
The more we will be the more we can change things. Altogther
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Let’s surround ourselves. Protect ourselves. Support each other.
Let’s move forward together
To ensure the safety and fulfillment of women and individuals coming from gender-minorities,
from all over the world. Together.
To put an end to feminicides,
To stop harassment,
To eliminate gender-based and sexual assaults and violence of all kinds.
To reduce inequalities,
Let the Mental Charge, the Glass Ceiling and the Impostor's Syndrome gradually fade away,
May self-confidence and initiative inspire everyone of us today.
So that we dare to realize our dreams, to undertake and develop fully.
That we finally exploit our full potential.
For the good of all of us.
Despite the many actions taken to date, these issues persist.
The solution must include collective actions by each and everyone of us. Everywhere. Everyday.
By activating our Sorority and Aldelphity.
Together. Everywhere. All the time.
We have designed our application with this in mind.
A daily tool for action, safety, learning and fulfillment.
A unique platform bringing to every woman all the information, contacts, events, associations, programs, places useful and in adequation with their very own desires and needs.
Available to all women and gender minorities. Accessible at any time. Everywhere. Free of charge.
We deeply believe in our values.
The DNA of our project :
Kindness, Protection,
Support and Sharing.
And what about Men ?!
THE SORORITY is not an app against men.
THE SORORITY is an app designed and developed for women.
For our wives, our daughters, our sisters, our mothers, our colleagues, our friends, for all women and gender minorities surrounding us.
So that they feel Safe and Fulfilled in their lives. In all our lives.
We are all part of this Change and all have an important role to play.
Let's take action. Support us. Let's support each other.
Let's move on. Together. For All.



Sophie TREM,
Founder of The Other Art of Living blog and The Good Mood Class workshops. Researcher in well being ;)
Artist, Musician, Feminist committed to the eradication of violence against women and LGBTQIA+. Clinical psychologist for women and children victims of violence at Womensafe.
Mai HUA,
committed author and director of the film "Les Rivières", about family and feminine memory and of Meetings with Remarkable Men.
Caroline BOISNOIR,
President and Referent of the association "Putain de Guerrières".
Camille SFEZ, author of the book " La Puissance du Féminin ", workshops on Power, Vulnerability, Women's Circles, Yoga
Frédérique MARTZ,
Co-founder and Managing Director WOMEN SAFE INSTITUTE

HOLYCAMILLE, Internet girl <3
Margot DAVY, serial entrepreneur (Founder OFFSET GUIDE) and model
Sophia ANTOINE, feminist activist, cyber activist and FEMEN activist

Noémie DE LATTRE, Artist. Woman. Engaged. Currently performing: "Féministe pour Homme".
Grégory POUY, Cultural analyst. VLAN! podcast founder.
Odile CHABRILLAC, Author among others of the book "Âme de sorcière" kunda-magic teacher, naturopath and analytical therapist.
Christelle DELARUE, CEO of MAD&WOMEN, International Member of Parliament for WOMEN SAFE, Expert and adviser on gender equality for UNESCO and President of LIONNES FRANCE.



Together. Everywhere. Now.

[ Humanism ] : Doctrine, philosophical attitude, movement of thought that takes Human as its end and supreme value, that aims at the development of the human being and the respect for his dignity.
Source : The Dictionary of the French Academy (DAF) - 2011)
Half of the human beings in the World are Women.
Source : La Banque Mondiale & Insee
In France, 100% of women have been victims of harassment in public transport at least once in their lives.
Source : Report of the High Council for Equality between Women and Men, 2015
In 2020 : A woman is killed every 2 days in France by a partner or ex-partner.
Source : @femen_offical & @putaindeguerrieres & @noustoutesorg
1 in 3 women in the world is or will be a survivor of physical or sexual violence during her lifetime.
Source : ONU WOMEN - Global Database on Violence against women
In France, 1 in 3 women has already faced at least one situation of sexual harassment in her workplace according to the legal definition.
Source : IFOP Study - French women and sexual harassment at work, February 2018
In France, women represent 48% of the working population and earn on average 24% less than men.
Source : The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (Insee), 2019
Women still represent only 13.7% of the of management committees members of the 60 largest companies listed on the Paris Stock Exchange (CAC40+20).
Source : SKEMA study - Skema Observatory on the feminisation of companies - 2019
For those who are victims of racial discrimination, their representation is even lower.
Source : OIT - ILO Director-General attacks ceiling on women's professional development